Friday, May 25, 2018

Skateboard Mask.

It wards off evil spirits.

I’m always down to give away old decks to people who need a board. The guy I gave this one to was a ripper and he broke it flying off a ramp. He showed up a week or two later at the skatepark and gave me this sculpture he made out of the board.

Vert Is Dead will be back on Tuesday, May 29th. Enjoy the weekend.


Nonickname said...

I've given away boards to younger kids but I honestly would not know how I'd react if that was presented to me. Looks like a headdress out of a Kurosawa film.

Justin said...

The guy gave me this on my birthday. I never tell anybody the exact date or make a big deal of it because I hate it. I'm fine with my age, but I don't want a party or presents or any of that crap. That being said, this was one of the best presents ever because it was so random. I have the feeling it is Mexican inspired art. The guy who made it hardly spoke any English and was probably from Mexico. We get a number of migrant farm workers in the area. I haven't seen him around at all since November of 2016, Probably even a few months before then.

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