Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Jason Adams #14.

In the ballpark.

One funny thing that happened in 2008 is that Ball Park Brand Hot Dogs sponsored a few skateboarders. They even took out ads in Transworld featuring brief interviews with the riders. I thought that this was such a random situation that it was cool. I was going to scan one of the hot dogs ads, but this was a much better picture.

The photo is by Kyle Camarillo.

Transworld - August 2008 Volume 26 Number 8


Henry said...

I don't remember guys riding for a hot dog company. Who was on the team?
It makes me wonder, Is one brand more "core" than another? "Oh, you ride for Oscar Meyer? Sellout!"

Justin said...

I'm sure there's a Tracker vs. Indy beef of the tube steak world.

I guess I have to scan one now. In addition to Jason, Stu Graham, Peter Smolik, and Brandon Turner had processed meat related ads. I want to say John Rattray, too, but I might be making that up.

Henry said...

Yeah, I almost have to see that. Skateboarding and hot dogs. Whose brilliant marketing idea was that? How much do you get paid for endorsing a hot dog company? Are the riders ashamed of it now? Do they not care? I have so many questions.

Nonickname said...

Mr. Rattray would like you to know he was never directly sponsored by Ballpark but did do a demo in Chicago that they sponsored:

Unknown said...

Not dog sponsors on by me. Cooler than monster energy in my book

Justin said...

Come for the Osiris demo, stay for the hot dogs.

He's guilty by association. LOL.

Ball Park was sponsoring some action sports events at the time so that's how they got into this. They ran a year's worth of ads in TWS. They even got Willy Santos in one.

I agree that hot dog sponsors are way cooler than energy drinks. It's such a novel idea. I guess if you were vegan it sucks, but I bet a fake meat hot dog company might step up to sponsor you.

Henry said...

Eh, I ain't hating. If a hot dog company offered me money, I would at least consider it. I think what trips me out is skateboarding is usually marketed as "edgy" or "extreme". And then... wieners.

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