Friday, August 24, 2018

Erick Winkowski.

Vintage Jeff Kendall deck.

Erick is from the Seattle, Washington area. He has a fondness for riding the older style boards that were popular before he was born. For the most part, he skates pools and transitions, but as of late he has been taking on some large handrails and street gaps. The man has also been known to skate long distances from one city to the next. In keeping with the classic vertical traditions, Erick's got the ability to do a collection of inverts that Jeff Hedges and Steve Schneer would be proud of. His other sponsors include Indy, Emerica, Bronson and Mob Grip. He might be living in a room under a halfpipe, too.

Skateboarding was cut a bit short last night due to a swarm of flying insects that descended upon the skatepark. After getting a bug in my mouth, I gave up before one landed in my eye. That always happens to me and it sucks.

Thrasher - February 2016 Volume 37 Number 2


Manuel Labor said...

Man, I thought only the south has a lot of bugs. I've tried using Off! bug spray. It's better than nothing, I guess? Summer is the most overrated season.

street skate kings said...

Love that shot, classic vert action, thanks for posting it

Justin said...

We get weird swarms of little bugs every now and again. They don't bite, but nonetheless are rather annoying. I don't even know what they are.

Nonickname said...

If you're at the park near the lake most likely Chironomidae from an aquatic hatch. Common name lake fly or midge.

Justin said...

OK, that sounds right. I though the lake probably had something to do with the bugs.

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