Thursday, October 18, 2018

Josh Kalis #6.

"East Coast hip-hop and skateboarding went very hand in hand, everything was very urban, in the city, grimy — it was very aesthetically pleasing. It was cool. It was sick. We didn’t have cell phones back then and there wasn’t very much landline calling to see who was going out. You just went to Love and whoever was there was there. It was almost the same thing every day. You just went. If it was summertime, you’d usually go after three, four, five o’clock because it was too hot. You knew everyone was there."

Josh reminisces about the good old days at Love Park in Philadelphia.

Who knew the future would turn out to be thin canvas slip-ons with vulcanized soles?

Ryan Gee took the picture.

For the quote: Thrasher - September 2018 Volume 39 Number 9

Transworld - April 2000 Volume 18 Number 4


Unknown said...

Yes who knew indeed. But thought this was butt ugly when it came out. Clean Ollie area always big with me vs jigsaw puzzle piece this had. Like bad shoe goo job. Or maybe I just had a bad day at work har

Justin said...

You're right. The ollie area needs to be kept clean so it is less of a distraction when you look down at your board.

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