Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Ricky Oyola #11.

"Matt Reason and Ricky Oyola with their little rules about skating, that just came from them being 100% dedicated. I mean, if you saw either of Matt or Ricky’s apartments back then, it was seriously just a mattress, skate magazines, and a little bit of food in the fridge. That was it. They thought about skateboarding non-stop and skated every day. I was at that point in my life as well, so we got along well together." - Dan Wolfe

I started breaking in a new pair of shoes last night. The old ones had duct tape covering holes on the insole so I figured they had a good enough run. The new ones seemed OK, but they still need to be broken in for skateboarding. I'm on my fourth pair of éS Accel Slims in a row. It's weird how some tricks feel better with new shoes and other tricks don't.

Dan's quote is from a Chrome Ball Incident interview.

Transworld - April 1997 Volume 15 Number 4


Justin said...

For the quote:


Unknown said...

dang 4th!? Es.dedication

Justin said...

I suppose. I tend to stick with a shoe company for a long time if I find something I like. I'm also trying to support the skater owned shoe brands.

Unknown said...

Well I dig that for sure. Never had emericas or es but tons of etnies and skating a pair now. I'm old, was around for natas release ha

Justin said...

I think Sole Tech shoes are fairly consistent. They wear about the same no matter what tag is on the shoe. I only had maybe two pairs of Etnies, although they have some respectable looking cupsoles in the the ads. I think I only had one pair of Emericas and this current éS fascination is a recent thing. Only other éS I had were the Koston 1s, which were awesome, but wore out so fast it was ridiculous.

The Etnies Album video is really good and worth picking up on the DVD since it's cheap.

Unknown said...

Cool, I have to check out the album. Thanks

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