Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Sartorius Catalog Fall/Winter 1991.

Merry Christmas!

We used to order from Sartorius back in the day since they were based in Connecticut and we lived in New York. I think a friend must have noticed where they were located and wrote for a catalog. The first catalog was this huge two sided one-sheet in black and white. I still have it, but it's roughly the size of eight pieces of paper so I've never attempted to scan it. They had a very good selection from all the big companies and the quicker delivery time was an added bonus.

This is their catalog from late 1991. I believe the skater on the cover is John Duff, an am who rode for New Deal and Tracker. You get a good sampling of where skateboarding was at in that time period. There's a mix of older and newer companies for deck choices. The shoe choices are either Airwalk or Vans. I threw in the clothing to round things out. I didn't bother scanning the two page spread of text only for wheels, trucks, and bearings.



Unknown said...

I ordered from them too cause I live in ny. Andy Howell schmitt stix 8ball. But they screwed up my truck size once

Rikku Markka said...

Damn+ I had this catalog and ordered the Airwalk Enigmas in olive and green. There was only one place in the town where I lived in NY that sold skate stuff, and it was a BMX shop that sold boards and grip, and they weren't really all that stoked skaters came in there.

Anonymous said...

This is great, I was just thinking about this place the other day. I made a road trip to go up there in 90 or 91. Think I got an H street deck.

John Duff said...

This is bitchen! My daughter just did a cursory Google search with my name and found this blog. She said "Dad you're on the internet!" LOL. I didn't know I was on the cover of this catalogue until today. Thanks for sharing the photos and your memories!

Justin said...

John - You're welcome. Thanks for checking out Vert Is Dead.

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