Monday, February 11, 2019

Birdhouse Projects 1992 Catalog.

This was the initial offering from Birdhouse. You got this letter and product list when you sent your five bucks in for Feasters, their first video. The VHS tape showed up in the mail in May so this letter was from April. The original team featured Tony Hawk, Jeremy Klein, Steve Berra, and Willy Santos. Klein had switched from World Industries, Berra from 101, and Santos from G & S. Ocean Howell was the lone am and had a couple tricks in the credits as Bucky Lasek karaoke'd Madonna's "Like A Prayer".

I like Feasters and the casual vibe of the whole thing. The soundtrack is good with the Pixies, New Model Army, and Peter & The Test Tube Babies. It is a little amateurish in production compared to other videos of the day, but that helps it out. The crew had an idea and was motivated to make something so that enthusiasm is reflected in the project. Everybody had a ripping part, too. It's a video that makes you want to go skateboard.


Henry said...

I had Feasters, too. I liked that Steve Berra skated to "Debaser".

Unknown said...

Sweet. I still have my birdhouse project jeans

Justin said...

I think that was the first time I ever heard the Pixies. We only knew of them from a Kids In The Hall skit that mocked them.

Nonickname said...

The Morrison Hotel skit?

Justin said...

The one and only.

Kevin: Well, do you have the latest Pixies album?
Bruce: Yeah, but it sucks. All that new stuff sucks, but it's over there.

Henry said...

Ha ha. They were pretty popular here. Eh, I liked some of their songs, but they weren't my favorite.

Justin said...

I hate "Monkey Gone To Heaven". Even got into an argument with a girl about it in a skateshop once. She said it was good. I disagreed.

I liked the Pixies a lot back in college and I'm good with the bulk of their tunes today. I went through a phase a few years back where I didn't care for them. I have no idea why that happened either, but it did.

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