Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Colt Cannon.


Colt is from San Jose, California. He was on Think before switching to Element and turning pro for them. His other sponsors included Krux and Skateworks Skateshop. He was noted for jumping down large flights of stairs and grinding giant handrails. Two interesting things about Colt are that he put the line in his griptape between the front truck bolts and he was a big time Britney Spears fan.

It's raining today. But it wasn't raining at 7:30 AM so I did a couple ollies and a frisbee toss on the sidewalk before going into work. Sometimes skateboarding is all about paying very close attention to the details of the weather.

This photo of a nollie heelfip is by Pete Thompson.

Transworld - February 2001 Volume 19 Number 2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I need a pair of these exact pair I had these in high school when I used to skate and they were my all time favorite shoes...for real 😍

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