Friday, February 15, 2019

Watch Video Days T-Shirt.

I got this shirt in 2003. Rick Howard was wearing one in Lakai's Beware of the Flare tour video. This guy Rob from England made them. Crailtap posted a link for the website and that was how I got in touch with him. I took a chance on entering the world of international mail order and everything worked out in the end.

It's also interesting to note that unless you had a copy of Video Days in 2003, you most likely couldn't watch it. I swapped VHS tapes of skateboard videos with a dude named Larry from Iowa. I think I taped him some Powell Peralta video or something random and he sent me a copy of Video Days. He put an obscure Alva promo on the tape, too. I suppose it is better having instant access to nearly anything these days, but at the same time I miss the aura of mystery where you actually had to be there for a specific thing. Seeing a photo of Julien Stranger wearing the Natas 101 pentagram shirt a few years after the fact is a better type of nostalgia than another batch of reissues.


Anonymous said...

I watched Video Days on Kazaa in 2000, then Blind reissued it on dvd with What If in 06. I’m 34 so I saw Video Days around the age of 15-16. Everyone talks about Mark’s part, but man, I loved Rudy’s!

Justin said...

I forgot about the file sharing sites. I never messed with them. I already had enough videos to watch and I had a job so getting new stuff was never a problem.

I think Rudy had the best part.

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