Friday, April 19, 2019

Duane Pitre #4.

Ode to Pitre.

Duane wasn't in Mind Field riding his skateboard, but he did have some of his music in the video. It was a nice touch to have one of the original riders involved with the project.

That's a picture of Growing, the guitar drone duo who also had tunes in Mind Field. It's from a 2006 show in Buffalo at Soundlab. I figure since I'm taking next week off to throw in a little bonus content for the day.

The spring weather is finally here, not that our winter was particularly bad. I've been breaking in a new set of trucks over the last three weeks. They feel fine, but it still feels a smidge odd. I think I was so used to my old decayed trucks that the change is throwing me for a loop in a good way. My board is much more stable now. The lesson in all of this is to maybe not ride the same pair of trucks for a decade.

Vert Is Dead will be back on Monday, April 29th. I need a break. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments as I'm a little short on ideas at the moment.

Transworld - February 1993 Volume 11 Number 2


Dustin said...

You’ve covered so much ground in this blog over such a long period of time (and thanks for that by the way) maybe you could do more stuff about your own experiences skating over the years, or an all time favorites/least favorites week. Did you ever do anything on scarfing material? I always thought that was the most random thrasher bit ever

Justin said...

You're welcome.

I know the longevity is getting to be a problem at times because I've covered the bulk of what motivated me to start this.

I had a solid list to start the year that I was into and then I checked off nearly everything on it, minus two things I'm saving for December. I wish the two weeks on Slap had turned out better. I tried to do too much in too little time.

I think there's been a Scarfing Material on here once. I'm not a foodie at all so for as interesting as that column potentially was, really not my thing.

I have very little documentation of my own skating or even of the locals from over the years. It kind of sucks now that I'm getting older because it would be cool to have some of that, I suppose.

I don't feel like doing a least favorites because the internet doesn't need more negativity. It's fun to hate on stuff and I do it a lot more than I let on, but I don't feel like going there. I scatter in a liberal dose of my favs - Drehobl, Navs, Polar, etc. I sometimes have to stop myself from scanning in the same guys repeatedly.

I probably need to put together a couple more spot stories. I just haven't felt like writing any up.

I do have one really good idea for a series that I haven't been able to do because the weather has been so crappy since I came up with idea. I'm really hoping I can put the parts together for it soon.

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