Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Dustin Dollin & Jim Greco.

The kids those days.

Dustin had been riding for Stereo and Jim had been riding for Zero before Baker became an actual entity with products beyond a bootleg VHS tape of 100% raw street skateboarding. They both turned pro in 2001. Both are also still riding for the same company, although Greco is on sister brand, Deathwish. I picked this one because I like how simple, yet bold, the layout was.

Deathwish is making stickers of that first tape now:

Thrasher - May 2001 Volume 21 Number 5


Nonickname said...

The skating isn't in doubt but the Baker ads never were my this to the Pappalardo one 2 post previous. The layout, the 3P detail, the picture all work together.

Rikku Markka said...

Fair point. A lot of Baker ads were just a lifestyle photo (no skating) and just Impact font. The ad featured here can be laid out in 2 minutes in Quark Xpress -- (my favorite layout program). If this is from the beginning days of Baker, I think J. Strickland would have been doing the ads.

Justin said...

Yes, this would have been from the early days of Baker. Most likely done in Quark since I don't think InDesign was a thing yet.

The Pops ad is a great bit of design.

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