Friday, August 9, 2019

Joey Pepper #3.

"No, to tell you the truth with the whole Zoo York thing, I was bummed to not get the check anymore, but when I hung up the phone, when all was said and done, it was a relief because skating for that company was never something I was proud of. There was never any real connection between myself and what I was doing. It was just a paycheck. I was friends with people on the team and have all the respect in the world for my teammates, but the company itself, it was nothing, man. So for it to finally be gone and to not have to wear that shirt anymore was the best feeling ever. Within a week I had a regular job and was working full time and skating and in the next couple years probably skating better than ever. It all just made me realize a paycheck isn't everything. Skateboarding is going to be there for me no matter what."

Joey breaks it down on parting ways with Zoo York and before getting on Expedition. He is currently on Politic Brand, HUF, Levis, Indy, and Spitfire. His trade outside of skateboarding is being a woodworker.

Zoo York is done, isn't it?

For the quote: Skateboarder - February/March 2013 Volume 23 Number 1

Transworld - December 2004 Volume 22 Number 12


Garbagewagon said...

I thought Zoo York makes yoga pants now.

Justin said...

I thought they axed everything skateboard related and were just clothing. I did scope them out on Instagram and it looks like they might be back as a skateboard company. It also looks like they grabbed a couple of scans from here for content. Sometimes when things end, they need to stay done. Come up with a new idea and let the past be.

Unknown said...

Had good origin but blew it. But always wanted the jef f pang tiger bomb deck

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