Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Eric Koston #9.

Chick Hearn.

If I figured this out correctly, Frosty is doing a switch frontside bluntslide. Not too shabby.

What sort of terrain does everybody out there like to skateboard on?

I've been thinking about this the last couple of years. I'm not even sure what I actually like anymore, as in what would be my favorite type of spot if I got to pick/make something perfect for my tastes. I know what I like best is spots where you can string together a line of tricks and not keep hitting the same thing repeatedly.

In general, I prefer smaller street style stuff at parks, which is what I've always gravitated towards. Some of that is probably based on simply not being very good. In getting older, I'd rather just go to a park to skate. No hassles of getting kicked out or trying to figure out a place to go to. A good skatepark will most likely have something for everybody, even if it isn't ideal.

I definitely like carving around on transitions and curvy cement these days, even though my ramp skills are getting crappy. I miss when I could competently skate a mini ramp because I really dig those things. I'm still a big fan of wood and masonite obstacles from when I started skating.

I sort of don't mess around with flatground since I prefer going fast and doing ollies or nollies over trying to land a flip trick that takes a while. I've got my five shove-it variations and that's about it so don't ask me to play S.K.A.T.E. Although I can't ever imagine not skating flat, no matter how old I get.

I like curbs. I think I like low manual pad combinations with ledges and more curbs. I'm not a huge fan of flatbars. There's no more jumping down stuff, which I hated doing even when I could do that. I have the mindset that skateboarding has to include at least one grind a session or it doesn't really count as skateboarding. You have to be scraping the paint off of something or else you're doing it wrong.

Any thoughts?

Thrasher - April 1999 Volume 19 Number 4

1 comment:

Rikku Markka said...

He's correct on the grinds. You gotta get a good stand-up, front side grind, especially on transition. And you gotta be on top, with your weight on the deck (this is what Drehobl and Gonz were arguing about in Krooked Kronichkes).

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