Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Baker Team 2006.

Ultimate family portrait.

Front row: Antwuan Dixon, Jeff Lenoce, Kevin Long, Dustin Dollin, Erik Ellington, Leo Romero

Back row: Knox Godoy, Theotis Beasley, Braydon Szafranski, Jim Greco, Bryan Herman, Andrew Reynolds, Terry Kennedy, Jacob Walder, Beagle

That is Knox behind Antwuan, right?

The kid in B jersey is Jacob Walder.

Braydon's enthusiasm is completely negated by Bryan's apathy.

I like how Leo is holding an owl statue.

Thrasher - April 2006 Volume 26 Number 4


Rikku Markka said...

Theories is in the Krew Jersey. I do not believe that Knox is in this photo. The other kid in the B shirt on the right-hand side, I cannot remember his name, but I do remember him from the Ice Cream shoes video as the kid whose haircut everyone kept making fun of throughout the entire video.

Rikku Markka said...

Theotis, not theories.

Justin said...

OK, I made some corrections.

I didn't realize Theotis was ever on or into Krew. That's what threw me. Both kids look so young that I figured Beasley was one who was smiling.

Did the B jersey kid have tricks in one of the Baker videos? I cannot recall which and Skately was lacking for details.

I'll leave the errors as is in hopes of somebody posting the right answers.

jakeumms said...

Is that Jacob Walder then in the B jersey then? If so, he still hangs out with TK I think.

Justin said...

It could be. I've never heard of him before.

jakeumms said...

Sorry just to clarify Jacob Walder is the previously mentioned kid from Team Ice Cream Vol. 1. He's wearing the same jersey at 7:25:

Justin said...

Thanks for looking this up. I made the correction to the post.

Justin said...

I watched his part. He's was pretty good and picked out some different tricks. Also looked like he grew about a foot during the filming of the video and that expanded the terrain he could skate.

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