Friday, April 2, 2021

Tony Hawk #13.

Tony was another guy who flew the coop from Airwalk to Adio. He also stayed with them until the end. They even gave him his own line of Hawk Shoes. I had a pair of his pro model in this exact color scheme. They were all right, but not great. The soles were on the thick side and they had a weird angle to the design. It is interesting to note that Tony has basically run a variation of this sneaker for most of the 2000s. His Prototype for Lakai was more or less a similar style, minus the air bubble. Whatever works for you, I suppose.

Has anybody else noticed how Tony seems to have the least spectacular graphics on most of his boards? This has always bugged me. Why does the best skateboarder ever never get some quality art? He seems to have a good sense of taste in general on most things so this leaves me a little surprised.

Grant Brittain documented the trick.

Slap - October 1998 Volume 7 Number 10


Nonickname said...

Ever since he allowed the "toe-knee hawk" graphic way back I'm guessing he doesn't care too much. As long as they sell for his multiple alimony cheques I guess he's good...

Justin said...

I forgot about that one and I completely see why.

Actually his current deck on Birdhouse is fine. It's a cat. I hate how it's always some crappy version of his original bird skull.

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