Friday, May 21, 2021

Jon Sciano #3.

Stallone Grind.

I like how they gave Jon's 50-50 a clever name based upon Sylvester Stallone's 1987 arm wrestling movie Over The Top. This was the last trick in his Coast To Coast video from 2013. Jon shredded around for Anti-Hero and Lakai before pulling a Sean Young and vanishing.

I hope nobody has triskaidekaphobia because this is the 13th anniversary of Vert Is Dead. Thanks for all the support over the years.

I finally got the hang of my jump ramp.

Jon's photo is by Atiba Jefferson.

The Skateboard Mag - August 2013 Issue 113


Justin said...

Jon's Coast To Coast part:

Nonickname said...

1. Happy 13th
2. Nice ollie.
3. Even better covid hair.

Justin said...

Thanks. I haven't had a haircut since the summer of 2019. It's gotta get cut soon because my hair is nasty mess.

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