Friday, June 18, 2021

Nanda Zipp #5.

Crush Us All.

Nanda has one of the best names in the biz. This was the last trick for his part in Transworld's Uno video from 1996. He's doing an awkward backside 180 over the handrail.

I dug Brad Cromer's latest part for Krooked, even if he does skate to The Lemonheads.

Sound Zone: I haven't written one of these up in a few months for a couple of reasons. I've been buying new tunes, but it has been mostly reissues and pre-orders so there is not much to talk about. I figure nobody really missed this feature so it wasn't a priority. Anyway, onto the reruns. Athens, Georgia art students Pylon got their first two records reissued again. Chomp and Gyrate are great slabs of catchy post-punk and I'm glad to add them to my collection. I had never really listened to Pylon, but figured I would like them based on their name alone. I was right. The Gordons are from New Zealand. Members of the band would later go on to form Bailter Space. While there are some similarities between the two, The Gordons are louder and much more obtuse sounding. Their self titled first album and Future Shock single have been repressed by the 1972 label. These are worth picking up if you like abrasive guitars. Finally, some day in the fall my copy of Bardo Pond's Amanita will appear on my doorstep. It's a repress of their debut record on Matador from 1996.

The photo is by Sean Dolinsky.

Transworld - March 1996 Volume 14 Number 3

1 comment:

smorales said...

Santa Rosa High School! Classic.

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