Monday, June 28, 2021

Tabias Walker.


Tabias was pro for Invisible. He was also sponsored by Tracker, Half Life Clothing, and Kastel. I think he's from Florida and had a lot of coverage in San Francisco. He mixed it up with some tech, some gaps, and Pier 7 for his spot selections.

The photo is by Ted Newsome.

Transworld - August 1996 Volume 14 Number 8


Justin said...

Tabias was pretty darned good:

Nonickname said...

Not a fan of the brick layout. Disrupts the photo too much.

Counterpoint Justin?

Justin said...

I'm not really digging it either. It would have been way better if the skate photo didn't have the bricks. Tabias is covering some serious real estate with the ollie. They did a good job with the text and the logo for the bottom half.

It's not as cringeworthy as many a mid 90s Photoshop experiment at least.

I liked the Matt Mumford Australia ad I posted recently so when I saw another Invisible ad I hadn't used I went with it.

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