Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Brad Cromer #2.

Mr. Consistent.

Brad was the first skater featured in a video project on Jenkem called Ground Glass. Videographer James Thompson filmed Brad skating on 16mm film, which is expensive and difficult to work with. The growing underground legend about Brad is that he completely rips and lands everything very quickly. Mark Suciu also filmed a Ground Glass segment.

I did research over the weekend before a foot of snow showed up on Monday. 15˚ F is too cold for skateboarding. Your trucks freeze up in about twenty minutes. Although I suppose if you ride tight trucks to begin with, you might not notice. I figured I had to at least try to skate on Saturday since it was sunny and completely dry. Sunday was better with temperatures in the upper 20s or low 30s. Although I didn't skate great for me. I hate when you expect to have an OK day and then nothing clicks. I even skipped beer while watching the Bills crush the Patriots and went to bed early on Saturday night so to be well rested.

Thrasher - March 2021 Volume 42 Number 3


Justin said...

Ground Glass with Brad:

jaybird said...

I used to live in jersey & we took a trip to New Hampshire in the winter . We met our buddy in Boston who had a pickup with a camper . It nvr occurred not to put my deck in the truck because not thinking how my bushings would be rock hard . I couldn’t carve for shit . I was so bummed .

Justin said...

I was surprised how quick it happens. I know my trucks freeze up in the normal cold (upper 20s-lower 30s) and would notice it on pop shove-its especially, but it was very apparent this weekend. It was cool to have some actual data on the subject.

I always keep my board at room temperature until I'm ready to go skate. I've been doing that for a long time.

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