Monday, January 3, 2022

Mark Suciu #3.

The Temple Owl.

Mark dropped a slew of high quality video parts to end 2021 and that was enough to earn him Thrasher's Skater of the Year award. Even though he does very intricate technical street tricks, he does them with a casual ease that is somehow oddly relatable. I'm not big on raw footage dumps, but I'd be interested in seeing the work Mark puts in. He also tried out for the Zero team and crushed a bunch of handrails, too.

I got on a roll and scanned a ton of 2021 stuff. It was probably more than I needed, but that's OK. I sometimes have a hard time with ideas so if I find something I'm stoked on, I roll with it. I tend to pick my favorites so holler if there is somebody you'd want to see that I left out. I'll get around to them. I also found a few random ideas for weeks in the future. I'm most likely going to do a feature on the 15 year anniversary of Fully Flared. The worst part is going to be watching that full video again.

Thrasher - January 2020 Volume 41 Number 1


Nonickname said...

Mark is also the recipient of the latest Slap "take sides and spout off" debate over his new Adidas ad. Had way too much time on my hands over the break and went down that rabbit hole.

Justin said...

I’ve browsed a few things on Slap over the last month. I did get a useful bit of info on one thing, but I’m going back to completely avoiding the site.

jaybird said...

Marks sick ! Fuck the slappers their self righteous morons . If Gall Posted a pic of mark with the homeless they wouldn’t dare say a bad thing about him . I haven’t seen the ad , I can’t find my copy of thresher with Gall on the cover . Love this blog .

Justin said...

Word is that Gall is on the cover of the new issue of Thrasher, but I haven't gotten my copy yet. They usually show up on the last week of the month so it is two weeks late at this point. I sort of don't feel like bothering to see if it got lost in the mail or something.

On the one hand, I suppose Slap is a perfect reflection of skateboarders natural habit of talking shit about any and everything. On the other hand, I cringe when I read much of it. That was why I stopped checking it a couple years ago. I wonder what Lance Dawes thinks of the online discussions. To me it seems the complete opposite of the ideas Slap was started on.

jaybird said...

I try only to check slap to see what videos came out . I still at the gossip and get annoyed of course . I’m lurking your blog looking for some old Staba articles . Let’s talk Tired™️ & skate
Mental .

Justin said...

I'm never sure what I think of Brad so I don't ever feel like posting much stuff with him. I like the idea of Tired, but they've never clicked for me.

I could maybe do a 3D and Skate Mental week some point down the road. Hard to believe that BA's 3D was quite a few years ago now. I'm not big on Skate Mental's ads or graphics. I like the team.

jaybird said...

Skate mental has great team & I like they’re from all over the world . Ive seen Dan skate in person & he’s got such rad style . I jock Tired becaue it’s where I’m at in skating plus I’ve made it to the IG a few years ago. Skate mental graphics are kinda weird but I like it doesn’t go with what everyone else is doing .

Justin said...

I browsed around last night and found enough stuff to put together a Skate Mental/Tired/3D feature. It's going to be heavy on 3D. Tired had some funny ones.

The Skate Mental graphics are bad to me. Like why would you put in that much effort to make something that looks terrible and isn't really funny? I don't know.

The team has some rippers, but there are also guys who you don't really know about and seem extra sketchy.

jaybird said...

Awesome! Looking forward to it .

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