Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Tyshawn Jones #2.

Bounding in the stance of the switch.

I don't think Tyshawn's opposite footed ollie over a picnic table the long way got all the appreciation it deserves. Paulo Diaz and Salman Agah would be proud.

The photo is by Atiba Jefferson.

Thrasher - November 2021 Volume 42 Number 11


Anonymous said...

Nice Paulo reference.

Anonymous said...

This guy won SOTY a few years back, and I still have not seen, nor can I find the video part that won him the trophy.

Justin said...

That would be Supreme's Blessed from 2018. I have never seen it either. It looks like it is on Apple TV/iTunes for $4.99.

I'm surprised it hasn't wound up on YouTube yet. It's a four year old skateboard video, not that big of a deal.

Here's the soundtrack:


Thanks. I had to go with a Paulo reference for this. Thrasher cranks out issues so fast that things get lost in the shuffle.

jaybird said...

Blessed had the ollie over the subway entrance which is so sick . I just watched his part in blessed at didn’t see it . Could have missed it . Possibly a later video .

Anonymous said...

It has to be in Blessed, doesn't it? He had another part called Killer, but that's just flat ground tricks over trashcans at the one basketball court in NYC.

Quarter Snacks has a GIF of it:


jaybird said...

I miss read the 1st comment I thought they were implying this cover was in “blessed “ .

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