Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Brian Anderson #12.

Glitched out ollie.

3D was only around for about three years. Brian was on Anti-Hero by the fall of 2016. It's worth noting there was speculation about him leaving Girl before starting 3D since he had a few photos were he was clearly riding Anti-Hero boards.

Tom Karangelov and Ben Kadow were the two other riders. Ben was added to the team in March of 2015. I don't think he ever had an ad.

3D ran a handful of ads that were art only. Some of them were kind of plain. I dug this one. I think I scanned in all of their ads with skateboarding for this feature.

I'm liking looking back at the more recent stuff lately since we are so swamped with new content all the time. Ferris Bueller was maybe onto something.

Ollie: Thrasher - February 2014 Volume 35 Number 2

Glasses: Thrasher - March 2014 Volume 35 Number 3


jaybird said...

Life does move pretty fast. I enjoy watching Ben k skate.

Justin said...

I eventually decided I'm a fan of Ben K. It took a bit and that's fine. I sort of don't like how he skates because he makes tricks harder than they need to be.

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