Thursday, February 10, 2022

Dan Plunkett #3.

Once Dan and Brad Staba went out looking for UFOs with a guy who claimed to be a UFO hunter. They met up for dinner at a Mexican restaurant and then went to an empty field when it was dark enough with some night vision googles. They didn't really see much of anything. Go figure.

For the story: The Skateboard Mag - January 2011 Issue 82

Ollie: Thrasher - April 2014 Volume 35 Number 4

Nosepick: Thrasher - July 2014 Volume 35 Number 7


jaybird said...

I’ve seen Dan skate. I love his style.
Thanks for all the skate mental posts.

Justin said...

You're welcome. This was a fun batch of scan to put together that I probably wouldn't have done otherwise.

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