Monday, March 14, 2022

Jon Dickson #3.

Jon floats a death wish of a frontside flip over some stairs and a guard rail. I'm a fan of this dude's skateboarding.

It's a week of Altamont. I just like the photos and art in their ads. They've had a solid team over the years, even though the riders kind of change every so often. I'm not even sure if they have a team these days. Mark "Fos" Foster from Heroin does or has done a lot of the art direction for them. I've never bought any of their clothes, which maybe explains a few of the ambiguities about their current state.

Best wishes to Mr. Hawk on a successful recovery from your broken wing.

That new Emerica amateur video is pretty darn good. They make the best videos. Ed Templeton has to be proud of Braden Hoban's impossible powers.

Thrasher - October 2012 Volume 32 Number 10

1 comment:

Justin said...

Check the technique:

His form is nearly identical on both frontside flips.

Also if anybody has a spare copy of the DVD for Green, holler.

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