Monday, October 3, 2022

Don "The Nuge" Nguyen #6.

"Gets cold in Oklahoma."

The Nuge goes over a rail and into a bank for Duffs. He would have been in an odd board sponsorship limbo in 2006. Don had ridden for Hollywood and Hellrose, but those both had come to an end. Josh Beagle was giving him Pig Wood boards and that turned into riding for Foundation.

It's a week of Duffs. Duffs started out as Steve Rocco's shoe company in the middle 1990s with some decent shoes and funny ads. At some time at the end of the decade, they became their own entity. I'm not really sure on all the details, who worked there, and how the company was structured. They kept it rolling up until about 2016. I think they had a BMX team in addition to skateboarders.

I guess I should have gone to the grand opening for the Jamestown skatepark. Creature's John Gardner was there to rip the place up.

For the quote: Thrasher - March 2006 Volume 26 Number 3

Thrasher - October 2005 Volume 25 Number 10


Nonickname said...

Maybe it's the angle, but the sole/toe area of those shoes looks like a disaster waiting to happen.

Justin said...

Yeah, the shoe is either really thin at the toe or there was cropping error when they were designing the ad.

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