Friday, November 11, 2022

Adam Alfaro & Pat Rakestraw.

Double shot of Black Label.

Black Label is one of those companies that I've always been stoked on. I don't have much else to say beyond that.

New ride. I guess I set this up last Saturday. It seems way longer ago than that. There's a bunch of scratches on it now. I've been thinking about switching it up from Polar, but this one and the last one have both felt really good, as in better than nearly all the Polars I've ridden in the last year and a half. That doesn't make any sense. I'm not sure what I think of the all white board with a rectangular graphic in the middle, but I like how it balances evenly with the Grains sticker. The board makes more sense in person, to me at least. The top ply is light blue so that's a good color.

Adam's photo is by Chris "Rhino" Rooney. I'd like to know who did Pat's ad since it's neat-o looking.

Adam: Skateboarder - December 2006 Volume 16 Number 4

Pat: Skateboarder - April 2006 Volume 15 Number 8


Icky said...

Rakestraw was SO gnarbucket! where did he go?

Justin said...

I'm not sure. He rode for Ethan Fowler's Bummer High after the Black Label and then kind of disappeared.

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