Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Jimmy "The Greek" Marcus.

Jimmy is from Clearwater, Florida. He's a noted pool ripper. Black Label gave him a pro board on their Emergency branch many years back. I thought this photo was sick and a little bit different than most of the Satori ads.

What size wheels are people riding these days?

I've been using 54 mm Spitfire Classics in their regular urethane formula. I was riding 55 mm Classics before the plague hit, but they don't seem to make those any longer. I'm thinking about going back to 56 mm. The 54s seem slow, even though one or two millimeters should not make a huge difference, especially when new.

Slap - May 2008 Volume 17 Number 5


Anonymous said...

Was on 53mm Spitfires for the longest time...currently have 54s on my main set up. Which got me thinking "my cruiser wheels must be much bigger" - Nope 54mm Spitfire Soft-Ds. No wonder it's a slow boat of a ride.

Nonickname said...

That was me above. Oh yeah Rikku - our hockey chat jinxed me. Injured very next I'll just say "with the Jays trading Teo they better have some giant scoop ready".

Justin said...

After small wheels, I said I'd never dip below 55. I've kept in the 55-57 range until the last year or so. I know I ride my wheels down from 56-55 to probably 52-51 or something and that is OK, but something about starting bigger is better.

New bearings and nearly brand new 54s felt so fast and good on Tuesday. This is making me think about going back to 56, especially with going to the new park in Jamestown.

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