Thursday, November 3, 2022

Ryan Lay #5.

Arizona Coyote.

Ryan is a fan of East Coast skateboarding, which led to him being a Philadelphia Flyers fan. He got into hockey a bit when he was younger after the NHL stuck a franchise in the desert. His interest in hockey has waned in the years since.

Richie Valdez risked getting wet for the photo.

For the hockey info: The Skateboard Mag - July 2011 Issue 88

Thrasher - July 2018 Volume 39 Number 7


Nonickname said...

Just like the residents of Arizona have also lost interest...the visiting change room for 4 or 5 games was slightly bigger than the one I use at my weekend beer league games.

Anonymous said...

What position do you play? I play center. I cannot believe the NHL is still trying to keep the Coyotes alive. They should have moved years ago. The NHL had an easy out if they moved the franchise to Seattle, but I know they wanted 32 teams.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to leave my name on the previous comment.

Also Justin, you following the Sabres this year?

--Rikku Markka

Justin said...

Didn't they move the Jets to Arizona to create the new team? Canadian sports did some weird things in the 1990s, like the CFL's experiment with US teams. I thought I heard the Coyotes were going to play at a college rink that holds 5-6,000 people because nobody goes to their games.

I am aware of the Sabres. I don't always follow them closely. It's a season to season thing depending on how it feels. The 8-3 blowout of Detroit was surprising and then the five goal 3rd to beat the Penguins was remarkable. I saw Pittsburgh go up 3-1 and then went back to watching baseball without a second thought. I was shocked they wound up winning.

Nonickname said...

Hi Rikku - I primarily play LW but have played D in the past when we're short players. Which is the opposite of what I play in soccer (football) where I'm a RB who plays winger every now and then.

Yep - Coyotes are out of the ASU rink for the next 3 a maximum 5,025 seats. It makes no sense

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