Monday, November 21, 2022

Tyler Bledsoe #8.


Tyler lofts a backside kickflip from the Fourstar and Alien Workshop days. I think he was on Etnies for shoes in 2009. He's still pro with models out on Quasi as well as working as a tattoo artist in Portland.

My town got a manageable foot of snow over the last few days so we escaped the several feet that forced them to move the Bills game to Detroit. The sun was out and it dried up enough so that I even got in some skateboarding in the driveway on Saturday afternoon.

Thrasher - October 2009 Volume 29 Number 10


Justin said...

Tyler at Jenkem:

Nonickname said...

We got snow...which then melted, froze and then more snow. So its a layer of ice under snow. Makes for some treacherous walking and skating is off the table.

As for Bledsoe..let's hope he's keeping the doses low while at his new place of work.

Justin said...

Yes, we got the freeze up from Saturday night into Sunday as well. Really screwed things up as we had the driveway completely clear. The ground here had been warm still so nothing was sticking and you could shovel right down to the pavement. It's 40s and sun the next few days so everything should sort itself out. I'm really looking forward to Thursday - a day off and dry. Fingers crossed on that.

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