Monday, December 5, 2022

Leo Romero #12.

"I’ve always had the thing in me where I’m happy where I am. I’m allowed to do whatever I want . . . and I’m not getting any offers . . . No, I’ve been fortunate enough that the companies trust me and let me do what I want ‘cause I’ve been doing it for a long time and I’ve kind of been self-sufficient. That’s a luxury that you can’t really get anywhere other than when you have been doing what you do the way you do it and producing for such a long time."

The long haul.

The quote is from a Free Skate Mag interview with Alex Irvine.

Skateboarder - July 2003 Volume 12 Number 11

1 comment:

Justin said...

The full interview:

There's some good stuff in there.

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