Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Girl 20th Anniversary.

Happy 30th anniversary, Girl. It seems like only yesterday a bunch of disgruntled employees split from Steve Rocco's empire to do their own thing. There are a whole bunch of classic photos in this collage. One of my favs is of Sean Sheffey holding the board up over his face. That deck looks so small and he only has two bolts for each truck.

Thrasher - November 2013 Volume 33 Number 11


Anonymous said...

I have a friend who is a mechanical engineer, and he thought two bolts would not be a strong as four for holding trucks in place. But he took his board in to work and did some testing and found there is no difference, so he started using just two bolts per truck.

--Rikku Markka

Justin said...

I could see that working as long as you kept the hardware tight. I did ride two bolts in the past at times. There's no way I could do that now. It would look too weird.

Didn't this trend start randomly, like somebody had a pic with only the two bolts because they either didn't have enough hardware or bolts broke mid session so they ran it?

nonickname said...

I know some people would run 3 on the front truck in the early 90s with the idea being the bolt on your heelside would grind down from noseslides.

My memory of Paco is pretty dim...Who is that is the buckskin fringe? Not something that I think would make it onto the 30yr collage.

Justin said...

I think it's Tim Gavin. I haven't watched it in forever, but I can't imagine Las Nueve Vidas De Paco would be fully legal today. If you want to cringe at some humor that doesn't cut it in 2023, rewatch Major League and keep a close eye on some of the newspaper headlines.

Nonickname said...

My teenage son is at the point we've watched some older movies with him and he's a baseball kid so that was actually on the list - so now maybe time to do some "background checks"...

Justin said...

Major League is probably fine. I watched it a couple years ago with my landlords and their son who was probably ten at the time. It's a relic of different era.

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