Friday, March 3, 2023

Leo Romero #13.

Leo's new Skater part for Emerica is great. It's almost the opposite of the majority of the current crop of skate vids, even though there are plenty of fine ones being made right now. The music fits Leo's style and it is perfectly filmed. It's absurd to think about how long Leo had been in the spotlight. He's still crushing handrails tastefully and his flip trick game is ridiculously on point. Most of the spots are out of the way and look great on camera, especially with the bright sun and blue skies. Skater has the proper balance of being mostly contemporary with the correct small amount of nostalgia to give it the right mood and character.

Notes: I like it when Leo nollies out of frontside 50-50s down handrails. My buddy Coburn filmed some of the clips in Skater. Emerica really should press up some DVDs collecting a bunch of their recent web only videos.

Thrasher - May 2014 Volume 35 Number 5

1 comment:

nonickname said...

This may make no sense whatsoever, but that video was great as it was relatable. Even at my best 25 years ago I couldn't do anything close to what Leo puts down, but as you said the filming, editing (Miner), music and skating just made it a great watch - that made my old self want to get out, as opposed to the majority of vids that skill wise are insane, but don't have the same feeling.
Kudos to your buddy on the filming as well, a great video all round.

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