Friday, July 21, 2023

Gershon Mosley & Dave Mayhew.

Game over.

This is the wrap up of the A-Team trick contest. Both Gershon and Dave's tricks went unmatched and nobody got the money.

GMOS was inspired by Yoshi Obayashi, a unique ripper who rode for Milk and Z.

Even though Marc Johnson's trick was labeled a frontside nosegrind to nollie 180 flip, the trick he is doing is actually a switch nosegrind to half cab kickflip out. Marc is regular foot. I had never noticed that before, although I did think the second and third frames looked odd for some reason. I wonder if the minor deception was intentional to make the contest seem more possible?

Dave's photos are by Steve Celentani. Wez Lundry took the picture of Yoshi.

Gershon: Transworld - December 1998 Volume 16 Number 12

Dave: Transworld - February 1999 Volume 17 Number 2

2K: Transworld - January 2000 Volume 18 Number 1

Yoshi: Thrasher - September 1997 Volume 17 Number 10

1 comment:

Justin said...

I cropped out Yoshi from a Z ad. Sorry. The scans for this post were awkward enough as is and I didn't want to add any more clutter.

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