Monday, July 3, 2023

Jeremy Klein #5.

Eat candy & fly.

As we creep up on the 25th anniversary of Birdhouse's The End, I started to think about what trucks each of skaters in it were riding. It dawned on me that Willy Santos was riding for Gullwing. Tracker and Orion are represented in the video, along with Indy and Thunder. I'm not even sure if Heath Kirchart had a truck sponsor at the time.

I rewatched Jeremy and Heath's part yesterday. The skateboard riding is great, but the antics and sketch are the epitome of cringe. It probably really was for the best that Heath split for Alien Workshop and developed his own persona.

Wait, did Tracker deliberately spell truck wrong?

Transworld - November 1997 Volume 15 Number 11


Nonickname said...

Happy July 4th to to all the U.S Vertisdead peeps!

Anonymous said...

Heath was on Monster trucks for a minute, doubt he actually rode those things

Justin said...

Thanks. It was OK.

I was thinking Monster as well, but that company wasn't started until after The End. He could've been riding Mercury. I'm going to look into this.

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