Thursday, July 20, 2023

Marc Johnson & Jonathan Lindengerg.

Marc's trick for the contest was a frontside nosegrind to nollie 180 flip out. Jonathan Lindengerg was able to do the trick and win $1000. I get that Marc is trying to be funny, but notice the difference between this ad and how excited Rodney Mullen was about the tricks being duplicated.

It's also worth noticing that the A-Team changed their logo in the ten months between the ads.

Marc's ad was photographed by John Old.

Marc: Transworld - January 1999 Volume 17 Number 1

Jonathan: Transworld - November 1999 Volume 17 Number 11


Anonymous said...

Not to be that guy, but Marc actually did a switch nosegrind half Cab flip out.

--Rikku Markka

Justin said...

I never noticed that. You're totally right. MJ is regular footed. Although when I was looking at the sequence I sort of thought frames two and three looked odd.

I went with what they captioned the ads as I didn't put much thought into it, assuming they, some of the best skateboarders ever, would get the cutlines correct.

I wonder if that was intentional?

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