Friday, October 13, 2023

Alex Chalmers #2.

"Guys like Alan Petersen, Chris Senn, Wade Speyer, and John Cardiel have paved the way for people like me to start this new facet of skateboarding. Possibly one that will overshadow the coolness of street skating, and I'm hoping that skateboarding in the future is just about skating everything."

The stuntman does a furious frontside kickflip in pool.

After three days of rain, I got to skateboard again yesterday. It was the first time since January that I had taken more than two days consecutive days off. Today looks good still and it appears the weekend might be dicey.

For the quote: Big Brother - December 2001 Issue 79

Transworld - December 2003 Volume 21 Number 12


Justin said...

Alex's Big Brother interview covered a whole lot of ground about working as a stuntman in movies and what all Flip did for him. It wasn't much. Dig up your copy of the mag for some real talk.

Nonickname said...

I'm trying to cut back on the pop intake - but the stars aligned and I had just opened a coke while reading this. Johnny Rotten nowhere to be seen thank heavens.

Justin said...

I inadvertently got addicted to Pepsi after quitting drinking and have been trying to scale that back. Oops.

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