Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Jamie Thomas #18.

Happy Halloween!

Jamie was on Mercury prior to starting the Monster project. The rollout was deliberately on the slow side with them taking five months to show a picture of a truck. Starting in October was a good move for a scary looking brand. The nosegrind was the second ad. Jamie's origin blurb was printed eight months after the launch. One thing I'm not sure on is how fast the mags were printing back then so it is kind of hard to pin down exact dates. I want to say Transworld was maybe a bit ahead of the calendar and everybody else was on the proper monthly schedule, but I'm not positive. The Monster ads kind of have a similar feel to what Circa was doing, with all black, night time skateboarding photos. Jamie would switch to Thunder after a couple of years of being scared of the dark.

Nosegrind: Transworld - November 2000 Volume 18 Number 11

Statement: Transworld - June 2001 Volume 19 Number 6


Nonickname said...

Circa, Innes and a striped shirt. That ad is a time capsule in and of itself.

Justin said...

It's the Freddy Krueger shirt from Chomp On This. The front feeble was in the video. Innes was going big at the turn of the century.

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