Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Emeric Pratt & Tony Montgomery.

Supernatural Forces.

Supernatural was a clothing company done by Rob Sissi. Like Iota, they were based in Minneapolis and there was rider overlap between the two. In addition to Minnesota locals, they also had Steve Olson, Ricky Oyola, and Kenny Reed on the team. Sissi would go on to work at Nike and now is working at Asics.

Emeric's photos are by Brayden Knell and Tony's photos are by Ryan Gee.

Emeric: Thrasher - January 2002 Volume 22 Number 1

Tony: Thrasher - March 2002 Volume 22 Number 3


Nonickname said...

Olson, Oyola, and Reed would not be a crew I can picture sharing a van to tour.

Justin said...

Kenny is the wildcard in this group. I think he had some sort of Minnesota connection, but I might be making that up.

Ricky and Steve both rode for Kastel and Kenny and Ricky were on New Deal so it's not the oddest skateboard team ever assembled.

Nonickname said...

Forgot all about the Kastel connection..in my mind Kastel is Rawls and for some reason Tyrone Olson - but that was Osiris.

Justin said...

I forgot Rawls was on Kastel.

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