Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bill Danforth.

"If I stayed in one place I just felt like it was stagnant. My goal was to meet as many people and skate with as many people as possible."

Danforth was probably my favorite of the Alva team because he rode street and mini ramps.

Skateboarder - August 2002 Volume 11 Number 2 (for the quote)

Thrasher - December 1989 Volume 9 Number 12

1 comment:

threadbare. said...

YES! I still have a photo I cut out of an old issue of Thrasher of Danforth doing a layback. In the margin I wrote, in what I imagined to be some sort of cholo script, "Danforth Shames the People". I have no idea where that came from, but it remains a fitting epigram for a skater who embodied the cryptic term "thrasher". Though I scorned pro endorsements as transparently crass capitalist seductions, I ditched my Trackers and rode G&S trucks till they splintered because Danforth rode them, and I only bought Alva-shape blank decks. Danforth and Blender were enormously pivotal if elusive figures in the history of our illustrious sport.

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