Saturday, December 27, 2008

Jeff Phillips #7.

One of the things about Jeff Phillips is that he rocked tie - dye shirts. I guess he was way ahead of one of the current fashion trends in skateboarding. Of course every young whippersnapper in a tie - dye probably doesn't know about Jeff, but they should. Here's a quote from a Transworld interview:

"Is there any connection with Jeff Phillips and tie dying?

Yeah, I think so because I think I was one of the first to bring it back, well, not really bring it back. Tie - dye Mary out of Nashville, Tennessee, who by the way has some of the old farm patterns, knows how to tie so many different patterns. She's the best tie - dyer in the world. Like this shirt I got on right here, this thing's three years old. It's been in the wash so many times - it's still brighter than any new tie - dye you see. Allison turned me on to her. I didn't really think about ties before, but that used to be a white shirt; now look at it. I just flipped out. All of a sudden something clicked. Instant, I dig them. I think they so rad. Tie - dyes are intense. I've got cool - looking - tie - dues that anyone could wear. And she has some of the best patterns ever. After I started wearing them and stuff, then a few other people - Tracker has a tie - dye shirt. And now it's around everywhere it seems."

The photo is by Jamie Mosberg. It was from a Life's A Beach ad. I cropped it because the background was a light screen of the BBC logo that didn't show up when I scanned it. The company ran a series of ads that were a rip off of the American Express "Membership has it's privileges" advertising campaign. I think this might be one of my favorite photos ever.

This wraps up Jeff Phillips week. Thanks to everyone who has checked out and enjoyed the website. There will be more as the weeks go on.

For the photo: Transworld - February 1990 Volume 8 Number 2

For the quote from an interview with Britt Parrott: Transworld - October 1988 Volume 6 Number 5

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