Friday, February 13, 2009

Dan Drehobl #5.

It's little stuff like this that makes skateboarding the best.

This is the 200th post on Vert Is Dead. Thanks to everybody who checks out the site and thanks to anybody that has a link to here on their website.

Joe Brook documented Dan's misery.

Slap - August 2000 Volume 9 Number 8


-kw said...

happy 200.

chops said...

congrats, sir. check your site everyday. keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Amen, keep it up, loving all of these sites!

Anonymous said...

Those are Czech fags, not German. Maybe Dan was in Czech??

Anonymous said...

for sure cz.
maybe prague.

Anonymous said...

just for the record this is a fictional story that i didn't write and none of this ever happened. someone wrote it to go along with the photo. the actual story is way better but your just going to have to bump into me at a bar and buy me a beer if you ever want to hear it.

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