Friday, February 6, 2009

Ethan Fowler #2.

So I thought I found a cool ad for Forties with Ethan in it that hadn't been posted. A quick check revealed that the fine Chrome Ball Incident had included the Forties ad already. However, this backside tailslide hasn't made the old guys with scanners and magazines circuit yet.

Slap - October 1997 Volume 6 Number 10


Royce said...

Said many times, but timeless.

Keith said...

old guys with scanners and magazines circuit lmfao!

chops said...

go ahead and post anyways, man. who cares.

smorales said...

Blog ABDs are serious business. Photo is goodo.

hairfarmer said...

Shit I've never seen that one. I think that spot is in Syracuse. Good stuff man.

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