Friday, July 3, 2009

Alan Petersen #3.

Happy Independence Day.

Keenan on Sunday and then some more 1995 stuff for the week ahead.

Transworld - July 1991 Volume 9 Number 7


iSapien1956672 said...

OMG, that picture is taken at the old Rotation Station in Rockford, IL. I have a picture of my friend Sam doing a huge Melon grab Fakie on that bump & I learned feebles across that spine ramp. Ahhhhhhh the memories that all just came back from seeing this ad. thank you.

Justin said...

Is that place still around? I've always wanted to go there.

Mr. Buttermaker said...

The Rotation Station is gone, I believe due to a faulty roof caving in...spent most of 1987 thru 1990 there...saw John Gibson bitch & moan the whole time thru a demo...Lance Mountain demo'ed there as well...they had one of the first wooden bowls around 1989..thing was huge, and about 8' deep...somewhere I have a transworld that showws pics of was an hour from home, the turf was 2 hours..also had a sick mini ramp outside with metal coping..RIP...

iSapien1956672 said...

Yeah, winter 1993 was a snow roof cave-in. Saw Dydek place second in an NSA contest to Jesse Neuhaus there, Templeton/Vallely on their TV tour with Dune & Felix Arguelles, Ron Chapman/Jeremy Klein blew minds on the inside mini. Wade Speyer on the Blue Metal Half outside in his Dogtown days. Met Steve Berra in the parking lot. It was the Pat Melcher training grounds, Saw the band Underdog play there. I was introduced to Cruz Records there. Smoked weed for the first time in that parking lot in 1990 after a session.

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