Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jim Thiebaud.

He's stuck with the company for over twenty years even after they spelled his name wrong.

Thrasher - December 1988 Volume 8 Number 12


Keith said...

Those experimental Powell boards were so cool.

iSapien1956672 said...

yeah, but the Mute behind the knee is not. Sorry, I just know if he reads this he's gunna twitter about it. Should I have said tweet?

Keith said...

And then he bailed to SMA before his Powell model dropped. I always thought it was cool for Powell to release ads with their next pro riding an experimental boards.

The non tuck kneed mute grab is ugly for sure!

Anonymous said...

This front-side, non-tuck-kneed mute grab would also be known as a stink bug slob.

Anonymous said...

It's comming off a ramp-to-wall wallride. So in this case, stinkbug-slob is somewhat justified (although Tommy G did those in front of the knee).

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