Wednesday, September 2, 2009

San Diego Trucking & Supply.

The only reason I'm posting this one is for the Don Pendleton photo. Sorry about that Jesse, Troy and Buck.

San Diego Trucking Supply was a venture run by Henry Hester and Terry John Myers that produced trucks based on ideas from G & S. These two men had worked to develop G & S trucks, but weren't happy with how things were going and opted to do their own thing.

It feels like odds and ends week at Vert Is Dead.

Poweredge - October 1991 Issue 36


iSapien1956672 said...

wow, I had totally forgot about this company. guess I'm not the skate geek I thought I was.

justin said...

For the complete history:

San Diego Trucking ran an ad in Transworld that featured a Kevin Harvick driving some sort of go cart. I believe that this would be the same Kevin Harvick who is a NASCAR driver today. I haven't done any sort of research on that, but it is too big of a coincidence for it not be the same person. I know that Henry Hester has an interest in weird skate type car vehicles, so this isn't much of a stretch.

Hino said...

Thanks for the post, brought back fond memories.

Anonymous said...

I remember having the 4140 Chromoly Trucks with the aluminum base on my last set up. The base was the 2nd gen and I had it mounted on a World Industries Jeremy Klein Deck (How to Win Friends) with Santa Cruz Bullet Wheels 49mm/101A. The deck also had Santa Cruz padded Cell Block thin shock absorbers/spacers and GMN bearings. Also ran Bridgebolt mounting bolts. It was my last skateboard and I remember pulling the best tricks on it that i had ever done. When the deck snapped, I gave away all the accessories and always wondered if they ended up being used again. This was back when Tony Hawk had left Powell and formed Plan B with Danny Way... How long ago was that???

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