Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mark Roach #2.

Mark was the other young vert pro with Buster for Planet Earth. He was an amateur for Santa Cruz before that. Mark is from Texas. Some of his favorite pros at the time included Chris Miller, Jeff Kendall and Ben Schroeder. He liked skating at Jeff Phillips' Skatepark.

For the minimal background info: Transworld - August 1990 Volume 8 Number 8

Thrasher - September 1990 Volume 10 Number 9


AndyB said...

Always thought this guy had great style. Still skating?

justin said...

I'm going to say yes. He's got a profile on the Berrics and is doing photography:

Chris N said...

Mark, I never met you, and always went on my opinions of the other street skaters who came up back in the day that you ran the Blue Ramp at Melvins Skate Time :-) when street started to kill vert, but I'm glad you exist Mr Roach, you drove peoples lives in ways that you probably didn't know or care about, and thanks

Chris N said...

puppies (O_~)

Chris N said...

There was some kid called Crum too but whatevs :-)

Justin said...

Crum post soon.

Anonymous said...

I first met Mark when he moved from Louisiana (I think) to TX. He was nice and invited me and some buddies to his backyard ramp. I'll never forget it. His abilities on the board were way above anything I could ever dream of. He was a super huge influence on my continued skating. I hope he's doing well.

Unknown said...

Rode for G&S as well.

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