Tuesday, June 1, 2010

World Industries Catalog #1.

This is a World Industries and related companies catalog from late 1991 or possibly very early 1992. It's 12 pages long and I'm going to post three pages each day this week. There is a cereal theme to the whole thing and there is even a page of cereal reviews. The catalog is a little rough around the edges in places.

For the 101 page, that is Kris Markovich's first board after leaving G & S.

Mullen's Rock Is King is awesome. I think the story behind that was that Sean Cliver and Marc McKee came up with the idea, made the boards without Rodney's knowledge and then made sure the decks were in shops when Rodney was on tour so that would be the first time he ever saw them. There is also the first Jeremy Klein Japanimation girl deck. I had the Bean Cup wheels.

Way to land a shoe model, Chromeball.

Does that mean people from the big companies look at my website, too?


Keith said...

Awesome! Never seen that catalog before. Only Rocco one I've seen is the world pigbait one.

You don't monitor the traffic to ViD? You should set it up through statcounter

-A said...

I had the Klein Anime deck and it lasted about a day and a half before I cracked it on a flat ground kickflip. The Black-Eyed Kid model was a slick.

Old School Sammy said...

Who owns World these days? I gather Rocco is a super wealthy vagabond type, so who bought him out?

Anonymous said...

I think the people from Globe Shoes bought World Industries and Dwindle-affiliated companies a few years back for around $49M USD. So Rocco (and presumably Rodney Mullen) cashed out for a handsome payday.

-Rikku Markka

justin said...

I never bothered to figure out how to set up a stat counter. I also use this site as my own personal bookmark over typing in other skate URLs.

Globe bought Dwindle a while back, which was why everybody on World rode for Globe. I want to say that there have been a few changes with the company since then. I almost think World Industries is its own entity now and the other companies - Blind, Darkstar, Almost and enjoi - are another. Since Rodney still skates for Almost, I'm figuring he took the money and kept working.

JRog said...

I wouldn't say we're "big" but I got ya bookmarked mang! Keep up the good work...

Adolf H. said...

Love your blog. Keep up the good work, fellow patriot.

Anonymous said...

I had the Markovich deck, but always wanted the bean cup wheels. Best days ever!

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