Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sam Cunningham #2.


The photos are by Kimball and Spike Jonze.

Transworld - November 1989 Volume 7 Number 7


djtonto101 said...

used to love the blunt nose on that board, awesome concave too. Never saw the dude skate, aka John Grigley, Fred Smith status

Justin said...

I looked around on YouTube for a minute hoping to find Splendid Eye Torture or at least Sam's part. I couldn't, but I didn't try very hard either.

Anyway, Sam rips. Vert, pools, street. He was even doing big handrails back then, too.

Anonymous said...

I always respected Sam, I was constantly trying to keep up with his skill level, but never could. God bless you my old friend -Gumby

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