Friday, January 28, 2011

Moses Itkonen.

I'm making Canada happy this week.

I like how raw this photo looks.

Moses was an all terrain ripper as his part in Mad Circle's Let The Horns Blow solidly illustrated. He was an am for Real, turned pro for Mad Circle and rode for Powell. The guy might be riding for Skull Skates these days. I feel like there are some gaps in my memory of his sponsors. Was he ever on Plan B? I want to say he rode for Platinum, too. Moses is also part of the Red Dragons from Vancouver. Their crew "liberated" skate spots from security guards in the early 1990s before turning into a proper clothing company that is still going strong today.

There's a couple of interesting things about this ad. First off, Moses is listed as being part of the flow team. The second is the shoe itself. As the vegan lifestyle gained popularity in the 1990s, skateboard footwear companies started to make shoes that where animal friendly. The Syntax was DC's synthetic shoe. It's kind of unusual that a guy who is on the flow team would have a shoe made specifically for him, since Moses is/was vegan.

That's a wrap on DC week. I'm getting a little tired of all the Helvetica. Next week might be about other skate shoes of the mid 1990s - The Koston, The Sal, Kareem's KCK, Emerica's Gama and one other. Or not.

It's another Jody Morris' photo.

Transworld - November 1996 Volume 14 Number 11


Anonymous said...

He rode for Santa Cruz for a minute I think. His board on Santa Cruz had the star of David/Israeli flag as a graphic.

justin said...

Nope. That was Israel Forbes.

Anonymous said...

How about the E's Accel?

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure he was on Mad Circle in this ad. Golden State was their wheel company.

justin said...

I'm sure he was on Mad Circle at this point, too.

The Accel is a possibility.

Anonymous said...

DC week is through and no Shipman. Boo!

Keith said...

Real > MC > Platinum > Powell > Skull > retirement

He went from DC to Duffs and had a pro model from them. shoe had a distinct oval/egg shaped patch toward the heel.

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