Monday, August 8, 2011

Jon West.

Canadian and horror movie fan.

Jon rode for ATM and turned pro for Foundation. He falls in to the category of skaters that I've been meaning to post, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Jon retired from sponsored skateboarding to attend film school. He has since worked for Electronic Arts making commercials and shooting music videos.

I had a productive scanning session yesterday and got most of what I wanted to get from 1999 digitized. I still need to make another pass through the Transworlds for some Toy Machine and I want to get at least one more Big Brother Product Review before I close the curtain on the year. It will be either on to 2000 or something different next. I could go either way. Feel free to make suggestions. I figure I have about four weeks of material ready to go. I'm thinking there might be a week of Rookie ads, which would probably make a good transition between 1999 and 2000.

Big Brother - July 1999 Issue 50

1 comment:

Keith said...

Gnarly Canadian! Nice.

He had a whole crew from White Rock that shredded hard.

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